Indicadores sobre Alberto Silva Betto Você Deve Saber

Oct 18, 2013 Silvia rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition Shelves: non-fiction, psychology This was such a great read! It came recommended by a friend, and I’m so glad she did because otherwise I would have never picked up something even loosely classified as a self-help book. The truth is, it really isn’t and I surely didn’t treat as one. It’s an easy, engaging and funny collection of examples on how some more or less established psychological phenomenon can help you in everyday life. Whenever you say psychology people tend to think of abnormal psychology, psychotherapy and all that This was such a great read!

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It's an idea that sounds like it should work, but it doesn't, and that's what Wiseman has collected in this book. Wiseman is a psychologist from the UK, and he has a particular interest not only in the science of self-help, but also magic, optical illusions and the paranormal.

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I like the structure of this book, it covers many aspects of life and the author provides a lot of studies that support his techniques. The author start the book with a story between him and his friend Sophie regarding his opinion in specific topic and his explanation took so long at the end his friend Sophie asked him: are there any scientifically-supported techniques that could help improve people lives in less than a minute?. That is why the author tried in this book to provide a description for all ten aspects in a minute.

Jan 24, 2010 Dan rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition Wiseman compares the myths/conjecture promoted by the self-help industry to the decades of psychological research done on Conexão areas like happiness, decision making, persuasion, motivation, creativity, and relationships. The focus is on small changes to one's life that can yield disproportionately large results (for example, writing Conexão Mundo Imobiliário down 3 things that you are grateful for can measurably increase happiness for a month). It's a pretty quick read, covers a wide range of subjects (so as to stay fresh), a Wiseman compares the myths/conjecture promoted by the self-help industry to the decades of psychological research done on areas like happiness, decision making, persuasion, motivation, creativity, and relationships.

Uma personalidade das redes sociais viaja usando seus amigos de modo a Moscou para gravar novo conteúdo para os seus seguidores. A todos os momentos excedendo seus limites em Procura por uma nova audiência, eles entram em 1 mundo frio por misté especialmenterio, excesso e perigoso. Quand

The point at which I truly gave up on this book was when Wiseman talked about the study with housekeepers and exercising. Either he didn’t read the actual study or didn’t think about it at all, because there’s pelo way to see the ludicrously bad methodology of that study and come away thinking that a magical placebo exercise effect is the probably cause of the housekeepers’ improved fitness.

Now let's say you're angry about something. I mean, you're hitting George Constanza levels here, and all you want to do is just hit something. There is a way of thinking that says you should go hit your pillow.

How many have been strongly replicated and properly isolated their variables? I was a huge fan of Wiseman and had looked forward to this book. I am just so disappointed.

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Jul 30, 2018 Jien rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition I was so disappointed by this book. I hoped it would be better than the countless self help books that use small and often methodologically weak studies and extrapolate huge generalizations from them, but it wasn’t.

The story begins when the trawler of Master Narciso is swept offshore by special Portuguese forces, with their cargo Pensa Poços of hashish from Morocco. Marica Alberro, the head of the family who lost traffickers charging, charge the Toni and Juan sons to take the necessary measures to ensure that the old fisherman did not rat on them.

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